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Meet the teachers!
Jueves, 18 de Enero de 2024Today, Sarah Bircham - Cambridge School Llinars
Vols conèixer millor els professors de Cambridge School?
Fes-ho amb la nostra sèrie de minientrevistes “Meet the teachers!” que els fem en anglès.
Avui, Sarah Bircham - professora i directora de centre a Cambridge School Llinars.
1) Where are you from?
I'm from a village in Norfolk, England, which is about two hours north of London on the east coast. Have you seen the film 'YESTERDAY'? Most of it was filmed where I grew up!
2) What did you do before becoming an English teacher?
I've been an English teacher since I finished my university studies. My first teaching job was at an international school in China. I also taught in Italy before moving to Barcelona in 2010.
3) What brought you here?
The warm weather - I hate being cold!
4) What is it like living/working here?
I really like living and working in Catalonia. I've been here for almost 14 years, and I love the food, the coast, the mountains and did I mention the weather?
5) What do you do in your free time?
I studied literature at university, so I enjoy reading. I also love being active. I do yoga, go hiking in the mountains and, recently, I've taken up padel. I'm not very good but it's really fun!
6) How do you feel after your first months in Llinars del Vallès?
My first few months in Llinars del Vallès have been wonderful. I've really enjoyed getting to know my new students, and the teachers and secretaries have made me feel very welcome here.
7) What aspect of languages do you like the most? And what aspect of language do you most like teaching?
I love grammar, I really do. And not just learning it but teaching it too. I also enjoy discovering 'false friends', of which there are many examples between Catalan, Spanish and English!
A la Sarah: moltes gràcies per aquesta petita entrevista. A tu i als teus alumnes, us desitgem un molt bon curs!
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