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June article
Viernes, 1 de Junio de 2018One final push to the finishing line
So you’re more than halfway through the term and almost at the end of the course for another year but it feels like you’re barely holding on. We have all had that feeling, but have no fear because believe it or not, there are many effective ways to stay motivated, making that one final push to the finish line.
Manage Your Time
When we are sleep deprived and stressed, it can be easy to lose sight of your goals. The mid-term slump can seem insurmountable at times, but time management is the key to making it through. I know I’m not the only one who hates it when a dozen tasks are left for the last minute, but it happens to the best of us and that is why it is absolutely crucial to map out your important tasks at the start of each week. This will aid you in staying organized and avoiding falling behind.
Use a planner
Try to stick to using your planner as much as you did at the beginning of the year. This will help with motivation and help you stay on top of everything. It will keep stress at bay and avoid those moments when you swear you've forgotten to do something. Procrastinators, this is perfect for you. Keep track of your homework, tests, exams and Special Writing Tasks or you'll be working late into the night, when your precious time could be put to better use.
Don't put your health on the back burner.
Everyone gets ill, especially if you´re feeling run-down and stressed with work and studies. Do yourself a favour; buy some daily vitamins (and remember to actually take them!), get a decent amount of sleep and maybe look into a yoga class or just gym time in general. Studies have shown that exercise helps you feel refreshed, improves attention, and the increase in blood circulation helps with energy production and stress control.
Take a step back.
Okay, take deep breath and try not to lose your perspective on everything. Take a minute to remember that things may be incredibly difficult and stressful for you right now, but like all things, it will pass. We don't stay students forever and writing tasks and final exams are going to be over soon and you´ll have whole summer to enjoy yourself and relax.
Remind Yourself of Your Long-term Goals
Studying can be exhausting when you think about everything you have to read, learn and revise ready for the final exam. However, thinking about your long-term goals — both professionally and personally— can be incredibly motivating. Visualise or even write down what you want your life to be like in 5, 10, and even 20 years. And then use those goals to help you plow through your to-do list.
Make Attainable Short-term Goals
While looking at your long-term goals can be motivating, focusing on your short-term goals can also be incredibly helpful. Make simple, very short term (if not immediate) goals that you can reach with a little extra effort. What is the one big thing you'd like to get done by the end of the day today? By the end of the day tomorrow? By the end of the week? You don't have to list everything; just list one or two tangible things that you can aim for and reasonably expect to accomplish.
Find a new place to study.
Even if you're lacking motivation, you still have certain things to do — like studying. If you can't change your to-do list, change where you get things done. Find a new place to study so that you at least feel like you're mixing things up instead of repeating the same routine over and over again.
Good luck and remember summer is coming and you’ll be able to enjoy it even more knowing you tried your best now.