Story Time

Schools + PTAs > Story Time

Story Time are English stories for primary and preschool students played and narrated by Cambridge School native teachers.


  • The main objective is to expose primary and preschool students to a foreign language, English, which is increasingly present in school.
  • Let students discover new vocabulary and structures for themselves.
  • Give students the chance to listen to different native accents.
  • Create a favourable impression in the students towards English, awakening their interest via a dynamic and participative activity.


The Story Times activity consists in telling a story in English using a book, graphic material, puppets and props for playing out the story. The title of the story can be chosen by the school or Cambridge School, who will give advice according to the level and age of the students.

The activity itself consists in presenting the characters and narrating the story with the help of the children.

Prior to the Story Time day, Cambridge School provides the school with a list of vocabulary and basic structures in the story that can be worked on in class with the students if so desired. On the Story Time day, children are given a story worksheet to colour in.


  • Maximum number of students per group: 25-30
  • Where: At the school or the local library
  • When: During the school year from October to May
  • Length: 45 minutes
  • Activity time: To be agreed upon by the school and Cambridge School


We have a great variety of stories available covering a wide range of themes, from the more classical, which the children will already know in their first language, to others that will be completely new for them: 

  • Five Minutes' Peace
  • Don’t Eat the Teacher
  • I don’t Want to Go to Bed!
  • It’s the Bear
  • The Naughty Pancake
  • The Princess and the Pea
  • I want My Christmas Present
  • The Bear Hunt
  • Paper Bag Princess
  • The Frog Prince
  • The Gigantic Turnip
  • The Gruffalo

  • Hey Diddle Diddle
  • Mr Bear Can’t Sleep
  • The Three Billy Goats Gruff
  • Fox's Socks
  • Goldilocks and the Three Bears
  • Brown Bear, Brown Bear
  • There was an old lady who swallowed a fly
  • The Mitten
  • The Trip to Panama
  • The Very Hungry Caterpillar
  • Rabbit's Nap

  • The Three Little Pigs
  • The Witches Broomstick
  • Little Red Riding Hood
  • Jack and the Beanstalk
  • The Elves and the Shoemaker
  • The SnowMan
  • Mr McGee
  • Maisy's Christmas Tree *Infantil
  • Spot goes to the Circs *Infantil
  • Spot's First Walk *Infantil
  • Happy Christmas Spot *Infantil
  • Where’s Spot? *Infantil

Taller Art in English

També oferim els tallers “Art in English” a alumnes de cicle superior de Primària on aprendran vocabulari clau relacionat amb l’art a través de jocs i altres activitats dinàmiques, incloent activitats orals relacionades amb un tema. Cada taller està basat en una forma diferent d’art, com ara dibuix, pintura i collage.

Els tallers es realitzen al voltant d’un fil temàtic, ex. natura, reciclatge, i les diferents activitats com pintura, dibuix, collage, hi estan relacionades. Els alumnes crearan una peça d’art relacionada i la presentaran a la classe. 



  • Entendre i seguir instruccions d’un professor nadiu anglès. 

  • Aprendre i practicar vocabulari relacionat amb la forma d’art escollida i el tema.  

  • Ser capaç de descriure/parlar sobre una peça d’art en anglès (amb l’ajut de l’organitzador)


El taller es divideix en 2 sessions de 50 min aprox:

- 1a SESSIÓ - “language input” i creació d’una peça d’art.  

- 2a SESSIÓ - “language practice”,  preparació i presentació de la peça a la resta de la classe.

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