Sant Celoni
For more information on our courses, call us on 93 860 35 13 or fill in the following form:

Our centre
Cambridge School Sant Celoni is located at the heart of town, in the pedestrian area between the town hall and the church (Calle Mayor 101). It has eight modern classrooms each equipped with all the technology required for language teaching (whiteboards and projectors) and a courtyard.
Our courses
We offer English courses from pre-school (P3) level right through to adults. We also offer special speaking and official-exam preparation courses and individual and shared private classes.
Centre address
Carrer Major, 101 08470 Sant CeloniOpening hours
Dilluns, dimarts i dijous: de 10:00h - 13:00h i de 16:30h - 20:30h
Dimecres: de 13:00 a 20:30 h
Divendres: de 13:00 a 19:30 h
Centre Director: Lindsay Wood
Secretary: Lucila Fernández