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To have a hobby
Dilluns, 11 de Gener del 2016Hobbies enrich and brighten up our lives. Find out how in our article.
To have a hobby is a wonderful thing, for countless reasons. In today’s society we hear a lot about the importance of finding the right work-life balance - how it is crucial that we work in order to live and not vice versa. Hobbies enrich and brighten up our lives; they make us interesting because they interest us. My circle of friends includes seasoned travellers, wonderful writers, exceptional artists, dancers, cooks, musicians and sports-people. To have a hobby is a joy and a pleasure. Here are some reasons why…
To Eliminate Stress
Modern life is stressful. Working hours are long, and it’s easy to get home, have dinner and do little else other than watch television before the cycle continues again the following day. It is also completely understandable. But breaking that cycle, and doing something that will exercise you - physically or mentally - is not only relaxing, but rewarding, too. Having a hobby takes you out of your routine, and all the stresses and mundane features of everyday life that come with it.
To Connect with People
Of course it depends on the hobby, but doing something that gets you out of the house and interacting with new people is extremely worthwhile on a simple social level. The rise of social media means that we are better-connected than at any time in human history; what with Facebook to WhatsApp and Skype to old-fashioned emails, there are myriad ways to communicate with each other. But none of these things are the same as actually getting out and spending time with people, whether they are old friends or new ones.
To Challenge Yourself
Having a hobby should be rewarding, relaxing, and, above all, fun. But by doing something that provides you with a challenge - anything from a dance performance to a play, a half-marathon to a basketball tournament - you will push yourself and develop skills and abilities you may not have even realised that you have. This, in turn, promotes confidence and self-belief.
To Clear Your Mind
This is related to eliminating stress, but important in its own right, as well: to focus on a task which you enjoy will clear your mind, and, if you’re doing it right, lead to satisfaction and a sense of serenity.
To Do Something Positive
You never know where a hobby may lead. People who engage in creative pastimes like painting and writing often find themselves providing pleasure and comfort for others; similarly dancers, actors, sports-people and musicians, whose performances can inspire and enthral their audiences.
Really, though, the most positive thing about having a hobby is that it entertains, constructively. A hobby will reward whoever practises it simply by being practised, and if you feel that you don’t have a hobby - or maybe you just want another! - it’s never too late to find one. Look for something that plays to your strengths, or perhaps look for something you never thought you would end up doing. But whatever you do, make sure that it’s something right for you, and the rewards will be legion.