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Beques Anglès curs 25-26
CONVOCATÒRIA JA OBERTA! · 25 beques anglès alumnes 3r d’ESO
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A Catalunya i a l’estranger!
Spring into happiness this season
Dilluns, 1 de Maig del 2017Read our May article.
As Shakespeare famously wrote in one of his sonnets, “spring hath put a spirit of youth in everything” and this couldn't be more true of Catalonia around this time of year.
Coming from the UK where if the sun shines for more than a few hours a day it's somewhat a miracle, I welcome the beginning of my favourite season of the year with so much happiness and joy. People start getting outdoors more and enjoying the little changes that make spring so special. Blossom on the trees, birds tweeting as the sun comes up and the muchly awaited lighter, warmer evenings.
As nature wakes up I also feel the same urge to get myself moving. There's something about spring that makes us all itch not only to get outside, but also to get out bodies into motion. The weather here in Catalonia couldn't be more perfect either. Sunny and warm, yet not too hot for hiking, cycling or even swimming in the sea if you're brave - or British and have swum in temperatures a lot colder than the Mediterranean!
If you work at a desk or spend too much time indoors, make a point to step outside to soak up the sunshine. The sun has many natural, healing elements and when you’re exposed to direct sunlight, you produce endorphins. Even taking a walk in the sun once a day will let happiness shine upon you! After all, sunshine is the best medicine and mood lifter if you're not feeling your best.
Us Brits are known for our love of a good picnic, despite barely ever having the weather for one! Take advantage of a local park or the beautiful countryside and share a delicious picnic. You’ll find joy in preparing a meal for a friend and saving some cash while you’re at it. Plus as the evenings get longer you could even do a post-work picnic while watching the sunset - evenings don't get much better than this!
If you're not into eating in the great outdoors, you can still enjoy alfresco dining at home, and this is the perfect time of year to do so. Barbecues in the garden or on the terrace and morning coffees outside while soaking up some vitamin D. Even five minutes before work helps me feel so much more positive about the day and knowing that spring is simply the first kiss of summer is even more exciting.
The spring season offers a great opportunity for clearing. Rather than put all the emphasis on spring cleaning your home, why don’t you clear out some of the clutter in your mind. Get honest with yourself about the negative thoughts that are limiting you and commit to a mental spring cleaning. The simplest way to begin the clearing process is to start each day with a more positive intention. Each morning, affirm your desire for the day by saying: “Today I choose positivity. I am willing to release the negative thoughts that have been holding me back from happiness.” This simple mantra will jumpstart your day with powerful energy and a commitment to happiness. Making the conscious decision to choose happiness will begin your mental clearing process.
If you are like me though and love getting down to some real spring cleaning around this time of year, why not take it outdoors! Any space you have - be it a big garden or a small balcony, get the gardening gloves on and get potting plants or even herbs to enjoy with a spring salad after all your hard work! You could involve the kids too. Most children enjoy been given little tasks and responsibilities and it can be good family bonding time as well.
Whatever you choose this spring, make the most of this beautiful season. It's time to bust out of hibernation, reclaim the outdoors, and spring into happiness!