

Meet the teachers!

Dimecres, 12 de Febrer del 2025

Today, Ricardo Figueroa - Cambridge School Sant Celoni

Vols conèixer millor els professors de Cambridge School?

Fes-ho amb la nostra sèrie de minientrevistes “Meet the teachers!” que els fem en anglès.

Avui, entrevistem Ricardo Figueroa - professor a Cambridge School Sant Celoni.


1) Ricardo, where are you from?
I was born in Colombia and emigrated to Canada when I was two years old. I mostly grew up in a city called Hamilton but I moved around a bit. I moved to Catalunya in September 2022 and have lived in Sant Celoni ever since! 

2) What did you do before becoming an English teacher? 
I studied Human Behaviour at university, as well as doing my post grad in Brain Disorders Management. I love how the mind works! I worked with people with Alzheimer's for a while before I decided that I wanted to travel and see what the world has to offer. A few years later, here I am: teaching English in Sant Celoni!

3) What brought you here?
I have always been a person who is curious and loves to try new things. I think that the world is too big and too beautiful not to explore it as much as possible. After the COVID pandemic, I needed a new adventure, so I began looking for opportunities to work and travel. I was lucky enough to find an opportunity to come and work in Sant Celoni and I haven't looked back. I have had some magnificent adventures in my short time here and am constantly looking for the next! 

4) What is it like living/working here?
Living and working in Sant Celoni is great. It is very different to Canada in almost every aspect. From the culture to the food, and of course... The cold! I am happy to experience a new place that is so warm in every sense. I feel truly at home here in Sant Celoni! 

5) What do you do in your free time?
I am a person who loves to try new things, so my hobbies are varied. One day you may find me hiking in nature, the same day I could be dancing to some live music with good company. I also travel as much as possible and I am happy to share some stories with anyone willing to sit down and have a coffee. Overall, my free time is simply used to enjoy life to the fullest! 

A en Ricardo: moltes gràcies per aquesta petita entrevista. A tu i als teus alumnes, us desitgem un molt bon curs!

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