

Meet the teachers!

Divendres, 16 de Febrer del 2024

Today, Daniel Richards - Cambridge School Granollers

Vols conèixer millor els professors de Cambridge School?

Fes-ho amb la nostra sèrie de minientrevistes “Meet the teachers!” que els fem en anglès.

Avui, Daniel Richards - professor a Cambridge School Granollers.


1) Where are you from? 
I was born in Devon, England and have lived there for most of my life prior to moving to Granollers. My mother is from the Netherlands so I have always travelled between Devon and the NL and feel a strong connection to both. I come from a small village in the countryside, most of my childhood spent running around in the mud barefoot!

2) What did you do before becoming an English teacher? 
After studying at university, I moved home and did some gardening work before deciding to leave the country and English teaching seemed like a good way to travel and work.

3) What brought you here?
I'm still trying to work that out myself! Better food, better weather and mountains perhaps? Or maybe I was just escaping the UK!

4) What is it like living/working here?
I'm enjoying both working and living here. I enjoy the balance of natural beauty and the Catalan culture I find myself surrounded by.

5) What do you do in your free time?
I like to be outside! Whether it's hiking up a mountain, longboarding, cycling the roads or photographing the natural beauty of the area. I also love playing music with old friends and new people. 

A en Daniel: moltes gràcies per aquesta petita entrevista. A tu i als teus alumnes, us desitgem un molt bon curs!

Més informació dels nostres professors a  


Professors nadius titulats Exàmens oficials Prestigiós mètode educatiu


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Plaça Porxada 39
08401 Granollers

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C/ Alfou, 10
08440 Cardedeu

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La Garriga

La Garriga
C/ dels Banys, 114
08530 La Garriga

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La Roca

La Roca
C/ Pirineu, 11
08430 La Roca

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Mollet del Vallès

Mollet del Vallès
C/ Rambla Nova, 26
08100 Mollet del Vallès

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Parets del Vallès

Parets del Vallès
Avda. De la Pedra del Diable, 28
08150 Parets del Vallès

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Sant Celoni

Sant Celoni
Carrer Major, 101
08470 Sant Celoni

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Vilanova del Vallès

Vilanova del Vallès
Pl. dels Països Catalans, 71B
08410 Vilanova del Vallès

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Llinars del Vallès

Llinars del Vallès
Avinguda Pau Casals, 28 – 30
08450 Llinars del Vallès

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Associació Catalana de Centres d’Idiomes Cambridge English - Language Assessment Cambridge English - Exam Preparation Center
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NIF: B61104576

Adreça: Plaça Porxada 39 08401 GRANOLLERS

Telèfon: 93 870 20 01


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