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Beques Anglès curs 25-26
CONVOCATÒRIA JA OBERTA! · 25 beques anglès alumnes 3r d’ESO
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Meet the teachers!
Dijous, 24 de Gener del 2019Today, Will Farthing - Cambridge School Vilanova
Vols conèixer millor els professors de Cambridge School?
Fes-ho amb la nostra sèrie d’entrevistes “Meet the teachers!” que els fem en anglès.
Avui, Will Farthing. Professor de Cambridge School Vilanova:
1) Where are you from?
I'm from Southampton, in the south of England. It's about an hour from London, and is home to the mighty Southampton Football Club, or 'The Saints' (although we aren't very good at the moment).
2) What did you do before becoming an English teacher?
I studied a history degree, and I worked in mental health and youth work. I've always enjoyed communicative work.
3) What brought you here?
Brexit! (partly). I wanted to live abroad and learn a new language/s, and have a bit more sun than normal!
4) What is it like living/working here?
It's great, everyone is so friendly and welcoming, and I love the teaching. I'll just have to get used to the mañana attitude of the buses...
5) What do you do in your free time?
I like to go out and socialise with friends, and I also play rugby for the local club Rugby Spartans Granollers. I'm also slowly learning Spanish (and Catalan too - a poc a poc!)
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