Classes de reforç per a alumnes First1 i First2
Beques Anglès curs 25-26
CONVOCATÒRIA JA OBERTA! · 25 beques anglès alumnes 3r d’ESO
RENOVACIÓ 2025 - Crèdit Fundae Empreses
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In-company testimonial
Dijous, 30 de Juny del 2016Interview with three students from Freudenberg España
Pepita, Susana and Llorenç work at Freudenberg and have been Cambridge in-company students for the last 4 years. Working for a multinational company, present in 60 countries around the world, they need to be able to communicate with their colleagues in English. They have been studying hard during their classes which take place in their office in Lliçà de Vall and spoke to their teacher, Jo Appleyard, about their experience.
Can you tell me a bit about your company and what you do?
We make non-wovens for energy, battery separation, food, filtering, medical sector and textile.
Susana and Pepita: We work in the technical department and we do trials for customers, samples, customer complaints and new applications and more.
Llorenç: I work in research and development, make samples for customers, applications for factories, send samples to customers and sales people.
Does the company have offices or factories in other countries?
We have offices and factories everywhere in the world. It is a German company and the Head Office is in Weinheim.
Do you use English at work?
Yes! Normally reading and writing emails. Sometimes our German colleagues visit and now we can speak a little and understand them in English. Before we couldn’t.
What do you like most about learning English?
Our teacher. Until this teacher we didn’t like English classes. Now we love them and finally we have advanced a level!